Sunday, December 5, 2010


Finally, a post in English! No pictures though. Haven't done anything interesting. Er, I guess there is this though. Our school had a Lighting of the Tree ceremony and we stumbled across it while heading back from class a while back.

So anyway, one of the things we were told the first week here is how crazy drivers are. We hear a lot of beeping, see a lot of cutting others off on the road, but we had yet to see an accident. Yesterday, we did. We must've just missed it because we were coming back from Kappa Sushi on our bikes, rounded a corner, and saw a car parked on the sidewalk. There was a guy sitting down with people trying to put a neckbrace on him. He looked like Squall. He tried getting up, but they pushed him back down and put the brace on. There was broken glass everywhere, a van run into the sidewalk's guardrail, and a motorcycle busted up in the middle of the road.

From then on, our breakneck bike pace to fight the cold turned into a casual, careful stroll along the sidewalk. We definitely have to cross roads a lot while biking, and we've definitely nearly had cars pull out and cut us off before. I'll count us lucky for now.

In other news, I sent out postcards and I hope everyone who I sent one to has gotten it by now. I have confirmed deliveries in North Carolina and California so far. I sent out literally fourteen postcards.

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