Monday, November 22, 2010


きんようび に ホークス モール に いきました。私はともだちと おこのみやき をたべました。とてもおいしかったです。そして、じゅうじに ハリーポッタをみました。とてもおもしろかったです。ほん がだいすきです。えいが がすきです。

どようび に ともだちと どうぶつえん にいきました。カバとライオンとさる を みました。でも、レッサーパンダは いちばんかわいいどうぶつです。 ライオンのうちはちいさかったです。 かなしいです。 ブライアンさんはさる を さわりました。それから、はな を みました。とてもきれでした。私は ともだちと しゃしん をとりました。あとで どうぶつえん、ラーメンを たべました。おいしかったです。

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にちようび に ねました。それから、インディアンのたべものをたべました。そして、ともだちとパンテイとスタギングをみました。アニメです。とてもおもしろかったです。



This Weekend2

Friday I went to Hawk's Mall. Me and my friends ate okonomiyaki. It was very delicious. Then, at 10 o'clock we watched Harry Potter. It was very interesting. I love the books. But I like the movies.

Saturday, my friends and I went to the zoo. We saw a hippo, lion, and monkey. But, the lesser panda was the cutest animal. The lion's house was small. It is sad. Brian touched a monkey. Then, we saw flowers. They were very beautiful. My friends and I took pictures. After the zoo, we ate ramen. It was delicious.

Sunday I slept. Then I ate Indian food. Then my friends and I watched Panty & Stocking. It's an anime. It was very interesting.

This weekend was busy, but it was also fun.

More pictures

Monday, November 15, 2010



きんようびに がくさいにいきました。しんさんとクリスとクライストとブラインとメイガンもいきました。おもしろかったです。それから、ともだちとうどんをたべました。それから、クリスとDexterをみました。Dexterがすきです。

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にちようびに べんきょうしました。それからねました。


Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Party

Sup guys. Time for a real update, sort of.

So Saturday I had to go to a field trip with the Natural World class. We went to a mountain to look at rice paddy's. We easily were distracted by Simon's new pet and a crab that made one of the teachers scream. Then Alecs picked it up. We also got lost on the way, missing the turn and driving up a mountain path that scraped both sides of the car and eventually turned rocky and too steep to drive up. There was also a creepy abandoned car, barking dogs in the distance, and no cell phone service.

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Then we went to the Halloween party in the I-House. It was pretty cool. Food, candy, drinks, music playing, everyone in costume. Ours was ridiculous. We were Seinan Senshi/Seinan Soldiers, kind of like Sailor Moon. We got the idea when Meagan saw the masks in the dollar store, so we went with it. They even had a villian one for Chris, and he bought dynamite that I didn't realize actually exploded out confetti and smoke. He shot me close range, I screamed in alarm, and everyone stared and went dead silent. They thought I'd really been shot or something. After the party we went out for a while then came back and watched Silent Hill. It wasn't that scary... so Sunday we watched テケテケ, a movie about a creature drawn to red that kills people. It wasn't really scary at all either.

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Link to more pictures.

As far as long ago things go, I tried to upload the Kyoto trip pictures but didn't get them all there. But they are on facebook if you want to go seek them out. Here are a couple to tide you over.

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Photobucket Shabu-shabu dinner. We put the meat and veggies in the water/sauce and it cooked

Photobucket Train station interior