Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Lazy Day

Today I did nothing. We went nowhere. I went to class, then sat in my room until I was retrieved. We went to a little shop while waiting for others to end class. There was one of those seats with the storage space inside, so I peeked in... and there was a helmet with a head inside it in the seat. It was terrifying.

Then we gathered up people and went to find the source of a good smell we often walk by. We ended up at an Indian place. There seem to be quite a few around. While there, we realized that Chris says baggle instead of bagel. He followed the scene perfectly, so much that I first thought he was faking it. "You're saying bagel wrong." "No, I'm saying it the same way you are!" "Bagel." "Yeah, baggle!"

If you don't know what I mean, watch this.

Anyway, we watched the last Lord of the Rings movie, then Christ braided my hair and begged me to dress as Laura Croft or whatever from Tomb Raider for Halloween because my hair's so long. Meanwhile, Brian was staring fixedly at me as he examined me and envisioned the type of make over he wants me to try. Apparently he's really good at dressing up girls, and I'm his newest target.

I also need money to pay for my dorm, and for my school to reply to my email so I can extend my stay, because they haven't and I feel lost and nervous. I need to get this stuff turned in.

Oh, and that typhoon that was supposed to hit? We got like.. a little gust of wind and sprinkled showers of rain.


  1. You are going to look fabulous dahling.

  2. LAWLZ! Baggel. IIIIIII cannot wait to see the Ashley as Laura Croft pictures come up! XD That will totally make my day!
